#miss you#
87979 人參與
Morning morning
Cute buổi sáng nạp năng lượng chiếc bánh ngọt 🤩
#Ymmy #ymmy #ymmy # #miss you#Ymmy #meet you#Why are you single#girlfriend#ymmy #home#
#miss you#
#Chuyệntìnhthậtđẹpđôita🌈#miss you#Yêu người khác quê#
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挚爱啊韬哥: 😍
New here and i need someone to talk to... 🐰#In Search Of:Friends.# # #
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Leaves: May I?But I'm a little young.
There’s different reasons for insomnia: good reasons and bad reasons and all are valid. Typically I get insomnia either because of my health, stress, sadness, trying to understand why I just can’t anymore.
But tonight, I find myself tired but can’t fall asleep because I miss her~ i miss holding her hand, giving hugs and kisses. Her smell lingers on my pillow, which makes me wish we were together holding each other. But on the other hand it also makes me happt knowing she’s sleeping because she NEEDS it.
I haven’t laughed so hard from the minute I called her to make sure she’s up till when we hung up so she can sleep. Truly grateful for fate that we met. Is it crazy I can just hold her hand forever?
Love is love~
深夜無法入睡,想著她~ 想握住她的手,想抱抱她,親親她,想看著她睡覺可愛的臉,想躺在她懷裡聽她心跳。但又微笑因為每天都只睡2-3個小時的她今晚可以睡多一點點~
#miss you#loveislove#happy#loveislove#永遠的十分#miss you#喜歡看妳睡覺#
#miss you#